The Importance of Support
The importance of asking for support in helping you through the rough times.
Back to Life On The Road
This weekend I start my travels and will be on a very wild adventure until November!
Phone Wallpapers To Keep You In Check
A little giftee for you! Some phone wallpapers to keep you in the right mindframe!
Why Not Me?
I’ve always had one thing going for me - my internal bad ass that says “Why not you?”
You Are Not Your Experience
You are NOT your experience - the things you experience are temporary.
If You Knew It Was The Last Time
Poetry : If you knew it was the last time (inspired by the audio clip I also posted in here!)
The Ease of August
The Ease of August - in contrast to July, August feels more…relaxed. I explore some patterns of my past to see why that might be.
The Wild World of AI
I’ve been introduced to the world of AI and playing around within it - it’s pretty nifty.
Photos You’ve Never Probably Seen Before
Photos you’ve probably never seen before Part 2. This time we are traveling to Arizona!!
Livin’ That Podcast Life
On today’s post I am sharing aaaaaaall the podcasts that I listen to to build my positivity, resiliency, mindset, and more!
You Are About To See Photos I’ve Never Shown
I haven’t shared any of these images - but not for the reason you might think…