The Depths to Clarity

It’s hard to think clearly
when your mind is so noisy
like trying to see the bottom
of the ocean
that’s been stirred up by a cruise liner
You know things are there
waiting in the depths of stillness
but we first have to wait for the top stuff
to settle
to filter
to fall
But our usual method is to keep adding to the noise
keep adding to the distraction
because the fear of loneliness
that attaches to stillness
gets in our way
So we need to first make peace with the fact
that stillness is anything BUT loneliness
in fact it is the company you will always have
access to
and it is there that the best company can be found
It’s you
It’s your actual truth
But that’s why it’s scary
We tell ourselves that we are afraid to be lonely
but many of us are afraid to be alone
because then we have to rely on ourselves
to look at the depths
the stillness
and see the truth reflected back to us
and while we say we want it
we also don’t
because acknowledging that usually means
something will have to change
clarity always brings change
because if you didn’t need to change something
you wouldn’t need clarity.

Teri Hofford

Body image educator, photographer & author who helps individuals challenge their body image biases & beliefs so they can move closer to self & body acceptance.

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Images That Haven’t Been Seen Before: 2