The Body Image Suite
for Boudoir Photographers
Because if you are photographing humans, you are photographing bodies and if you are photographing bodies you are photographing people’s body stories.
Whether you are new to photography or a veteran, body image is at the forefront of what we do - so how do we create an experience that fosters body & self acceptance?
Well, it starts with us first.
As boudoir’s go-to gal for body image, I’ve compiled every single tool, resource, & idea I’ve created & implemented in my own business as it pertains to body image & photography in the last 10 years to make your life easier.
Scroll below to see what’s included!
Here’s A Summary of What’s Included:
Confident Curves Posing Series
The Series that started off my foray into becoming the go-to gal in photography for body image Qs. There are multiple posing videos, pdfs, and even an app for inspiration using real clients!
Body Image & The Boudoir + The Business of Body Image
Body image concerns aren’t reserved for a certain body type: almost every human experiences or has experience body dissatisfaction at some point in their lives. Body Image + Boudoir is a mashup of my Body Image Bootcamp + Boudoir education to help you have a deeper understanding of how body image is created, perpetuated, and how we can change it! The Business of Body Image is the webinar version of my WPPI course, to show you how body image impacts your clients AND you in your business, and what to do about it.
Scripts, Guides, Questionnaires & Email Sequences for Addressing Body Image Concerns & Managing Expectations
Unsure what to say when a client has a hard time with their photos? Not sure how to respond to an email when a client says she’ll book WHEN she loses 30 lbs? I have all the guides, scripts, and wording necessary to help you have those convos with your clients!
Guide to Creating Empowering Experiences
Take your message even bigger by learning how to create group, empowerment experiences that create connection, community & compassion! Empowerment Experiences helped me increase my client base exponentially as I was growing my boudoir business!

“Finding Teri as a budding boudoir photographer was exactly the person I needed to find. Her perspective was refreshing, unique and the right dose of no bullshit that pushed me into doing the challenging, hard things that would ultimately come to revolutionize not only my business but also the way I see and treat myself. For a long time, I said that when I grow up I wanna be Teri. I've come to realize that's no longer true. When I grow up, I wanna be me. And despite having never actually MET Teri, her advocacy, education, talks, and endless resources are paving the way for me to reach myself and my highest potential. I have an enormous amount of gratitude for her work -- thank you thank you.”
— Meagan Elemans