Free Resources

Get your body & self confidence boosting downloadable resources here:
The Empowered Action Solution for Seeing Yourself in Photos
Having a hard time seeing yourself in photos? Download my Empowered Action Solution for Seeing Yourself in Photos to give you the steps to work towards embracing yourself in images!
Reality Check: The Awareness Audit
Feeling stuck, overwhelmed and unsure why? Do an Awareness Audit to see where things could use a little TLC.
Visioning: A New Beginning
Wanting to get clarity on your future? Start by reflecting on the past and then dreaming about what’s next with this guide!

Get your video resources here:
TedX Talk: 5 Reasons You Look Bad in Photos
Struggle with seeing yourself in images? Watch my popular Tedx Talk about 5 Reasons You Look Bad in Photos - with over half a million views and a feature on the TED website, this talk has changed many lives!
Body Image Chats
Need some Tough Love or some gentle reminders? Check out my Youtube playlist for some quick vids on body image! Don’t forget to subscribe while you are there!
A Series of Flaws: Photography Focused episodes
This playlist is for the photographers or anyone who wants to see how I work behind the scenes! A Series of Flaws is my attempt to dismantle the beauty standards that hold our creativity hostage.

Get your audio resources here:
Squidge: The Podcast
Squidgy feelings are part of being human but most of us have been taught to suppress, cope, or ignore them for the first half of our lives - on this podcast I explore the different ways “the squidge” can offer us an opportunity instead of just feeling like a curse.
5 Reasons You Look Bad in Photos : TED's podcast
More of an audio person? Slide in those airpods and press play on this 15 minute talk to remind you why you have big feelings around seeing yourself in photos
Body Scan mp3
Download this mp3 to start healing the relationship with your body. All it takes is a little time, quiet, and intention. You deserve it.

Get your Photography resources here:
Reveal Prep Script
For preparing your client for their photo reveal experience and getting them in the right frame of mind.
The Creative Revolutionary Playlist
Need some photographic inspo? Check out my youtube playlist for photography specific videos including BTS, teachable aspects, and inspirational vids!
Creative Revolutionary Blog Posts
Head to the blog to get Creative specific posts to help you stay or get inspired, challenge your mind when it comes to bodies & business, & be informed!