If You Knew It Was The Last Time

If you knew it was the last time
Would you:
Let the rain drench your socks?
Be in a photo with your children or your mom or your lover?
Skinny dip in the chilly lake waters
Feel the sun on your skin in the summer that is “too hot”?
Be as angry as you are that the barista got your coffee order wrong
be infuriated with your kid when they ultimately make a poor decision?
Would you:
Hug longer
Kiss harder
Touch more
Smile boldly
Dress in a way that you’ve always desired but never dared
Tell your friend you love them to the moon and back
Let the tears fall down your cheeks
Make time to feel the grass between your toes
Listen to the ocean?
Would you:
Sing at the top of your lungs
Taste the food you’ve denied yourself for years
Tell your lover that even though they piss you off you love them with abandon
Drive with the windows down to feel the wind and sun
And hear the sounds of construction and cars that drive to fast and trucks that sound too loud?
Would you drop everything you “had to do”
to make time for what you want to do
and would you watch the clouds and smell the flowers and hear the sound of gravel crunch underneath your shoes?
Would you care less about the size of your waist
and the shape of your nose
and the texture of your hair
and instead would you touch your tum with wonder
and run your finger down the bridge of your nose, remembering how it’s the same as your great grandmothers,
and immerse your hands into the crown that covers your head, remembering the power and strength that came before?
Would you care so much about the things that don’t matter
and would you care more about the things that do
If you knew it was the last time.

Teri Hofford

Body image educator, photographer & author who helps individuals challenge their body image biases & beliefs so they can move closer to self & body acceptance.


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The Ease of August