mindset Teri Hofford mindset Teri Hofford

“How are yooou?” cue sad voice

People tend to ask a lot of questions when you are going through a big life change - most of it intended because they care, but also a part of it because they want to know what their next move should be.

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Teri Hofford Teri Hofford

Images That Haven’t Been Seen Before : 1

I am starting a new series for you called Images That Haven’t Been Seen Before to share with you…well, images that haven’t been seen before. I’ve taken so many photos and have so many personal projects where I’ve only shared a fraction of the images so I want to give you , my lovely friend, the ability to scope out my work: past and present!

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mindset Teri Hofford mindset Teri Hofford


My home is very overwhelming right now and I convince myself I have to do it all - but in reality, I just need to start.

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