Daaamn, Baby, are you a prism?

Because you are so multi-faceted.

I think one of my missions in this world is to help normalize that those of us that like to be inspired by multiple things are not broken. Or maybe we are - but in a way that lights up the world and floods it with rainbows. For the longest time I thought something was wrong with me and that I had to pick A lane, choose A career, focus on ONE thing, have ONE hobby, etc. and I would try my damndest, but all that would result in was me hyper focusing from task to task - I was depressed and when I couldn’t take it anymore, I would throw myself full force into something just to shake up my world. This has resulted in WASTE - in the form of equipment, supplies, and things I buy because I think THIS will be the thing I need to do. It has resulted in SHAME - feeling like “of course I’m no longer doing this thing and I’m flitting onto something else…” It has resulted in CONFIRMATION of a story that I used to tell myself about how I “don’t stick with anything” and “I don’t take anything seriously.” All in all, when I tried my hardest to choose 1 thing - my soul nearly died.

Because prisms aren’t a pane of glass.
Nor are they a mirror.

My mission on this planet is to not just simply reflect back the world that we are in or let it pass through me - rather, my mission is to take in as many things as I can and using “prism magic”, create rainbows and color and life for the world. To distill this down, I collect experiences, learn new things, and go into the unknown so that I can lead the way for folks that might be a bit more hesitant to do so. Me jumping from job to job and hobby to hobby gives me new skills, new appreciation, new understanding, new knowledge, new thoughts, and new information that I can alchemize into education, creative content, motivation, or story telling to encourage folks to live a beautiful life.

Once I made friends with the prism part of myself, I became much happier, didn’t spend as much money, and was able to improve my confidence. My ability to be a prism in the world makes the world brighter, sparklier, magical, and playful - and it also does this for myself. I see it as a skill - I can quickly learn, master, and teach the things I am fascinated by - not everyone can do this. This allows me to go in where people are curious but afraid, quickly learn the nuts and bolts, revise it into something easy to understand and report back. I take the stream of white light of information, bend it to show the different aspects that make up the whole, and deliver that in parts to make it easier to understand.

This also might make sense why I have an obsession with prisms - I relate to them.

So, if you are someone who has felt ashamed from hobby/job jumping.
Or feels the pressure to have a “steady career”.
Or is being told left, right, and center that you need to “pick a lane”
And it all makes your skin feel itchy

Then you, my friend, just might be a prism, too.

Teri Hofford

Body image educator, photographer & author who helps individuals challenge their body image biases & beliefs so they can move closer to self & body acceptance.


Warm Glow of Morning


Images That Haven’t Been Seen Before : 1