Sunday Phone Drop 7.24

This week was all about wrapping up loose ends, hanging out with friends and family, doing art, and slowly, but surely moving things from the studio to the home location. I had my final two client reveals, came down with a bout of what I think was food poisoning (a wee bit), and had my eyes checked for the first time since 2018! The eye check up for photographers can be a little daunting and they do see some signs of potential glaucoma in one of my eyes, but they also just said “it might just be how your eye looks” - so that’s positive, I guess? In order to call in that new energy, I also rearranged my office and our master bedroom. I think when I moved in with Ryan I still considered it to be HIS house (even 9 years later!!) and so I never took my care or pride in the space - always believing it was going to be temporary. Well, I finally had it and said “These beige walls are driving me nuts, I might as well make them work for me”. I was inspired by How to Make a Sex Room on Netflix - not that we wanted a sex room, but this idea that your spaces should make you FEEL something. It was actually quite fun to see what updated canvases (print your photos!), a few fake plants, new bed sheets and a duvet can do to a space!

Also, if you want a fun art project for yourself or kids - creating cyanotypes is a great way to keep busy and make magic! I bought the treated fabric, but you can also buy paper!

Teri Hofford

Body image educator, photographer & author who helps individuals challenge their body image biases & beliefs so they can move closer to self & body acceptance.

Upcoming Challenge: The Urge to Purge


Can’t See The Forest For The Trees