Phone Drop 7.31

How did we get to the end of July already? This is so wild. Well, this week I spent the majority of my time organizing things to leave the studio and then re-organizing things in my house as they came in from the studio. Moving is something I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy….it is exhausting, time consuming, and makes you realize your attachment to stuff. This is why I am super excited for tomorrow becaaaause, the first Challenge begins! The August Challenge: The Urge to Purge is going to help us let go of our attachment to literally everything, so make sure to check out the Challenges section of the site! Anywho, back to my week - I found this week that I had overcommitted to things for a lot of other people….Teri’s old “People pleasing” stepped in a few weeks ago and this week I paid the price. I ended up helping move 2 families who came here from Ukraine to escape the war, I built my sister an entirely new website, I did photos for a dear friend of mine, I went out for wings with one of my old friends, and I immersed myself in the power of AI - all while responding to emails, finishing up images, doing coachings for the upcoming sessions of Body Image Bootcamp, built the Body Image Bootcamp workbook, PHEW. No wonder I napped for literally 3 hours yesterday. But now, I’ve created this beautiful space in my home that is relaxing and full of couches for friends to come hang out and we can have bouts of teri-py or just chill and co-work or host New Moon ceremonies and what not. I can see the possibilities ahead, they are just clouded a bit by the loose ends.

Teri Hofford

Body image educator, photographer & author who helps individuals challenge their body image biases & beliefs so they can move closer to self & body acceptance.

The Wild World of AI


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