The Curious Creative Blog
It’s Getting Harder to Wear Clothes
Seeing oneself through curious and compassionate eyes is a journey worth pursuing.
Water Doesn’t Care
The heat is here and your insecurities may be popping up - but I promise you - WATER DOESN'T CARE ABOUT THE WAY YOUR BODY LOOKS/IS! She simply wants to support you!
7 Steps to Help You Lose Weight Before Your Photoshoot
The number one excuse I hear about not doing a session is the fact that people have to lose weight - so you asked, and I listened! Here are 7 Step to help you lose weight before your photo shoot!!
Virtually #perfectlyimperfect
The results of a virtual body image campaign organized by body positive influencer Kayla Logan!
What Really Happens When They Call Me “FATTY”?
What it still stings when people negatively attack my body.
Who Do You Spend Time With?
Who you are spending time with has an immense impact on the person you are becoming.
Who Do You Want To Be?
Who ARE you - not who do you want to BE or who WERE you - it’s who ARE you that I want to help you explore!
Vintage Vibes
Right after we got out of lockdown, Jill and I rearranged the studio, so naturally needed to shoot on it. We also wanted to play with the yummy afternoon light that filters through the windows. Relax, settle in and enjoy these vintage vibes.
If I didn’t know the world was so big, would I still feel so small?
Why we feel lonely more now than ever
Let Boys Be Feminine
(if they want to)
Clothing has no gender and textures can help you find out who you are! In this session, I photographed Brian in a few glorious gowns and skirts to show that all bodies can wear whatever they want and everyone deserves to safely explore different ways of showing up! At our Winnipeg studio, this is a MUST - safety, security and comfort are all the name of the game so you can show up as your best self -whatever that looks like to you!
I don’t promise to change your life.
As much as I wish I could change your life for you, it is not my life to change.