It’s Time To Pull Some Weeds


Everything motivating our current behaviors
is standardly rooted in something we felt as children.
(Unless we worked hard to undo those knots)
The people and things and experiences we assign meaning to
The way we respond to events, successes, and failures
The things the we say, the tone we use, and the reasons we do
Are all deep roots that have taken hold in the soil of our minds.

Despite maybe not enjoying it,
There is a reason you sound
just like your mother
Or just like your father
It’s because they were responsible for a lot of the seeds
that have bloomed into flowers or weeds
(you decide)

And from afar,
An overgrown wildflower garden
Full of weeds and blossoms can look alright
And at times,
even beautiful
So you may not choose to disrupt
the chaotic ecosystem
that lies within.

you might decide you want your flowers to
and Thrive
not just remain
on the verge of being overtaken,
and fighting for resources.

The good news is,
You can pull the weeds,
Slowly and over time,
Realizing that
the more space,
and energy you release,
The easier it is for
new seeds to grow.

So, start by simply distinguishing
your flowers from your weeds,
Because even weeds can look
promising from time to time.

And ask yourself:
What flowers have been planted by my ancestors and why?
What weeds have taken hold and why?
If I want this garden to flourish moving forward - what needs tending and what needs to leave?
And then get prepared
To get your hands dirty
Because it will be time
To pull some weeds.


My Only Job

