
When I asked Sandy, my glorious makeup artist, whom she would like to give a session to she didn’t even hesitate before dropping Petra’s name. I reached out to Petra on instagram almost immediately and within seconds we had a “date”! She only had 4 days to get her nerves under control, fill out all the questionnaires, and come to terms with the fact that she was going to be semi nude in front of a relative stranger - AND SHE DID INCREDIBLE! When I asked if she’d be cool with us videoing the process (in part for a tutorial, part for a video to show how our sessions go) she was all in!

One of my favorite elements/changes we’ve implemented into our sessions are the therapeutic experience options - in most cases that involves flowers or natural elements used to help connect with the body. It has been so incredible to watch how people become present, connect with themselves and make steps towards healing the usual conversation they have with their bodies.

Anywho, make sure to check out Petra’s version of the experience in her video here!


It’s Time To Pull Some Weeds


Black Out Poetry