Let’s Get Those Emotional Gains


When I was at the height of my bodybuilding phase I used phrases like “get those gains” in terms of physical strength meaning, you would go to the gym every day, understanding that a little effort today would lead to long term effects - or GAINS. Lately, however, I’m been thinking about how ridiculous it is that we put ALLLLLL of our attention on those strength gains (which are important to a certain extent), yet, unless we seek it out on our own, there is no specific “regime” to help us get those emotional gains.

Well, today I want to give you a daily workout regime to make you “soul swole” and get those emotional gains!

Are you ready?

1 X morning ritual that is just for you before you cater to anyone else

This can be a short walk, a journal session, a mini meditation, reading, cooking, or tending to your plants.
Do this for 15-20 minutes.

8 X big ass glasses of water

Throughout the day, try to keep yourself hydrated! (and no, coffee doesn’t count)
Think of yourself like a plant that needs watering throughout the day.

1 X Learning Something

Try to learn or do something new every day.
This keeps your brain strong and reminds you that it’s okay to not know everything.

5 X Gratitude

Every day list 5 things you are thankful for.
Make it as big or small as you desire.

3 X Affirmations

Write out 3 affirmations to fill up your cup.
Read them.
Repeat them X 5+

2 X Do something for someone else

Throughout the day, try to do something kind for someone else.
It can be holding the door, saying thank you, or giving your favorite person a note letting them know how much you appreciate them.

5 X Check in with your body

Intentionally touch your tummy, pay attention to how your body feels or give yourself a big ol’ stretch!

2 X Look at your body

Once in the morning and once before bed, look at your body in the mirror.
Hear the thoughts, but don’t judge them.
Get curious and ask questions: Who taught me this? Why do I believe this? Do I want to continue believing this?

1 X Write it out

Whether you write 1 sentence or a whole page’s worth, write down your feelings at least once a day!

1 X Listen to Empowering Content

Songs, motivational speeches, podcasts, etc. whatever you choose to put in your ears, make sure it’s something that leaves you feel better than you did before you pressed play!

If you do even a fraction of these every day you will make those #emotionalgains and improve your life immensely. While these things are no substitution for dismantling oppressive power structures, doing these things daily will give us the energy and mental stamina to show up and fight another day!


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