The Curious Creative Blog
What I Realized from Noticing My Glimmers Every Week For {almost} A Year
After almost a full year of capturing my weekly Glimmers, here’s what I’ve learned (and why I’ll keep doing it!)
3 Playful Ways to Ditch Imposter Syndrome
Struggling with Imposter Syndrome? Here are 3 of my favourite more playful techniques to help move you through it so you can get to creating this epic life of yours!
Time to Revisit the Goals
Somewhere along the way I lost my ability to achieve goals…so I had to revisit my goals for the year and ended up making a workbook to help me!
Let’s Talk About The 6 Ft Unicorn in the Room
Today we are chatting all about comparison and the impact it can have on our businesses if we let it run unchecked!
I Went to Norway and Don’t Remember It
The trip that changed my life, but I can’t remember it.
Get Out The Psychological Pruning Shears
One of the ways to getting closer to your authentic self is pruning away at the thoughts, beliefs, and behaviors that helped you get to this stage, but may not help you get to the next one. In this post, I am going to share 3 ways you can Prune your life to get closer to YOU.
Social Conformity Is Bananas
When one of the members of my community gave me the word “BANANA” to be inspired by I knew it was the perfect opportunity to introduce the 5 Monkeys Study…until I looked into it a bit further.
Conversations With My Higher Self: Insecurity
Having conversations with my higher self allows me to work through some of the hard feelings that certain situations or people bring about. I figured that by sharing my thought process with you, it might help you develop your own conversational practice with your higher self! Plus, this also lets you know that the thoughts and feelings you have are completely normal and while they don’t necessarily “go away” we can manage them!
5 Ways To Reduce Your Stress
Stress is a creative entrepreneur’s best friend - but it can also be our worst enemy. In this post I am sharing 5 techniques that I use to help reduce my stress daily.
Will I Ever Just Sit Still?
I’ve never been good at sitting still or in one place. Why am I surprised that I am feeling the way that I am feeling?
Question for Ya
Questions are my lifeline when my emotions try to take over and today I am sharing my top 10 with you!