The Curious Creative Blog
2025 Visions
We are reflecting on 2024 and visioning for 2025 on the blog today - be warned: it is a long one (but to thank you for making it to the end, there is a little giftee for you!)
The 12 Days of Storytelling for Social Media
My friend needed a little boost to show up on social, so I created a 12 days of Story Telling: prompts to get you showing up! Feel free to use these questions to create some content for your chosen platform!
Body Image in the Dumps? It Might Have Something to Do With Your Business
If you are an entrepreneur and occasionally find yourself doubling down on the hate you have for your body - it’s possible that there’s more going on that just the usual body image insecurity. It might have something to do with your business…
Communication Tips for Your Creative Archetype
5 Communication Tips for Your Creative Archetype! Take a look through the 8 Creative Archetypes & learn how to align your communication to your message!
8 Creative Archetypes
I've narrowed in on 8 different Creative Archetypes to help you come up with some ideas on how to hone in on your motivation!
Book Review: The Age of Magical Overthinking by Amanda Montell
3 Playful Ways to Ditch Imposter Syndrome
Struggling with Imposter Syndrome? Here are 3 of my favourite more playful techniques to help move you through it so you can get to creating this epic life of yours!
BOOK REVIEW: Regrettably, I Am About to Cause Trouble
Book Review: Regrettably, I’m About to Cause Trouble by Amie Mcnee
3 Things Creatives Can Learn From Cowboy Carter
3 Creative Lessons We Can Learn From Cowboy Carter
BOOK REVIEW: The Psychology of Money
Book Review: The Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel
My Business Isn’t Flourishing Right Now (but I am)
My business isn’t flourishing right now…but I am.
5 Tips for Building a Business While Staying True to You
5 Tips to Building a Business While Staying True to You!
Time to Revisit the Goals
Somewhere along the way I lost my ability to achieve goals…so I had to revisit my goals for the year and ended up making a workbook to help me!
Who Am I Without Social Media?
I decided to take the month of June away from social media and despite a few checkins, it is going quite well. However, it is mostly making me aware of how much I try to distract myself and aware of the other methods I use!
Social Conformity Is Bananas
When one of the members of my community gave me the word “BANANA” to be inspired by I knew it was the perfect opportunity to introduce the 5 Monkeys Study…until I looked into it a bit further.
Affluent Influencers
Are you influenced by affluence or are you an affluent influencer? In today’s post we are chatting about what those words mean in regards to running your creative business!