3 Playful Ways to Ditch Imposter Syndrome

Imposter syndrome is one of those things that we tend to say when we find ourselves in spaces and places that we haven’t learned how to receive. It isn’t uncommon, but it also isn’t a space or place that I want you to stay in, so here are 3 playful ways to move through your Imposter Syndrome and into EMPOWERED SYNDROME instead!

  1. The Mighty Mantra

I use mantras AAAAAAALL the time because they are short, sweet, and I can remember them even when my nervous system is on the fritz! Mantras can help you in a moment of feeling squidgy and like you don’t belong or that you just got lucky, by giving you something to A)redirect your thoughts to and B)argue back against the thoughts you have. For example, a common belief I have that stirs up imposter syndrome is the feeling like I don’t belong. I know when that thought is present because I am usually surrounded by people I perceive to be more “put together” and I feel my whole body wilt. In that moment I repeat to myself “If you didn’t belong here, you wouldn’t be here.” It’s that simple. I do believe that. If I wasn’t meant to be in certain spaces with certain people, I wouldn’t be - so clearly, I have the right to be there just as much as everyone else. After I repeat that mantra to myself about 3-5 times it usually revs me up to remind myself WHY I’m there and then I get to making other people feeling good because they probably have similar thoughts! So, think about a situation, environment or experience that flares up your Imposter Syndrome and come up with a short quippy retort that you can repeat over and over again in your head (or out loud to yourself in a mirror - I’ve definitely done that!) and practice it so the next time you are in a situation like that, you have that little tool ready to go!

2. Blowing Thought Bubbles

This one is a little cheeky, but is a great visualization for those of you who like to picture things. For this particular method you are going picture the word or phrase that has you feeling down about your incredible skills and talent. As you picture it, imagine you are blowing a bubble around the phrase and use your exhale breath to imagine pushing the words/thought bubble away from you. As the thoughts keep coming, keep drawing bubbles around them in your mind and watch them drift off into the ether. Another method similar to this is to pop the bubbles instead of watching them slip away, but sometimes that is a bit too aggressive for some folks’ nervous systems - so I suggest trying the drifting away first! What this method does is put the thought outside of yourself - taking it from being truth to being something that just…shows up and needs a little help to move along. But remember, as we exhale, we must also inhale - so I want you to imagine after you send a negative bubble away, you are inhaling a bubble full of positive or at the very least, neutral words!

3. Play Dress Up

This third method is something I actually do quite often, particularly when I am about to go into a space or environment that makes me feel squidgy about myself. I select a “comfort” outfit that reminds me who I am and I usually stick something in the pocket to keep me present and out of my head. I will usually dress up in an outfit and ask myself “Does this feel like an expression of me or like I’m trying to be someone I’m not?” In the past, I would try to “dress the part” and be like the people I would be surrounding myself with, but I would only end up feeling even more insecure and uncomfortable because now I was “playing pretend.” Now, I wear things that are comfortable and make me feel like the fullest expression of myself. This means sometimes I am the only colorful one in a sea of black suits, however, in my experience it has given other people the permission to dress as the fullest expressions of themselves the next time I see them - so I try to stay focused on that. Also, when I am about to apply for something or email someone for something, I will put on a specific outfit to do that task that scares me - reminding me who the f* I am.

Having a go to outfit, hairstyle, pair of shoes, etc. to rely on allows you to go into any situation grounded and ready to take on whatever is in front of you. Consider it like your superhero cape - giving you the powers to be all that you can be.

So, whether it’s applying for a new job, asking for a raise, celebrating your achievements, or entering a room with your peers and colleagues I want you to remember that you do belong where you are - because if you didn’t you wouldn’t be there and I can’t stress that enough. You work harder than you think you do. You dream bigger than you probably think you do. You deserve the world, my friend, so don’t be afraid to accept it when it arrives. You've got this!


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