The Curious Creative Blog
I Built My Own Playground
Things are a changin’ - and I can’t wait to see where they go from here!
The Perfectly Natural Revolution - Megan
The Perfectly Natural Revolution series features some amazing humans. First up is Megan M.
Social Conformity Is Bananas
When one of the members of my community gave me the word “BANANA” to be inspired by I knew it was the perfect opportunity to introduce the 5 Monkeys Study…until I looked into it a bit further.
Affluent Influencers
Are you influenced by affluence or are you an affluent influencer? In today’s post we are chatting about what those words mean in regards to running your creative business!
Question for Ya
Questions are my lifeline when my emotions try to take over and today I am sharing my top 10 with you!
Reasons Why Everyone Should Do Self Portraits
In today’s post I break down a few reasons why you should do Self Portraits!
Sandy or Demi?
Is it Sandy or Demi Lovato? This creative session was inspired by the early nights that winter thrusts upon us and Sandy’s love for sequin bodysuits!
Fab Fatties
Fab Fatties is the name we’ve assigned to the glorious duo of Sabrina & Keira as they rocked these Selkie dresses during a collaborative session in Melbourne, Florida!
What I Learned At The Portrait Masters Shootout 2021
Last week I had the pleasure of partaking in The Portrait Masters as a mentor, model and photographer! It was an incredible week full of incredible people and here are a few things I learned!
Chrissy In Arizona
Sue Bryce introduced me to Chrissy first on instagram and then in person in Arizona and I knew immediately that I would loooove to photograph her! Thankfully she said yes, and I got to do quick session in our makeshift outdoor set and make magic in the Arizona heat!
Karianne In Arizona
On my last day in Arizona, Sue Bryce arranged for me to photograph some glorious humans that she knew and the first one up is Ms. Karianne, a photographer from Arizona! We had an amazing time in the hot Arizona sun - I could shoot in this light all day ‘erryday.
Cottage Core Vibe With Micah
On a rainy day in August, Micah and I embarked on creating a one person tea party in the park near my house. Featuring an iconic Selkie puff dress, Micah made some friends with the local wildlife and slayed this session.
When Marcella applied for my Dig Deep model call last year we were excited to explore Empowerment 2.0 - as a past client, she had already had the traditional boudoir experience, so it was a great opportunity for her to explore the next level and see herself as the stunning, lovely human she is.
Sam In Flowers
I am in love with all things pastel, floral, and princessy these days, so I convinced my lovely client Sam to join me outside for a fun filled afternoon at Assiniboine Forest!