Chrissy In Arizona
When Sue Bryce introduced me to Chrissy Ajisafe, Self Love Expert & Biz Coach on instagram I just KNEW I had to photograph her when we’d be in Arizona together - so I pleaded with Sue to see if Chrissy would be down and thankfully, she said YES!! Once we met in human form, I was that much more mesmerized by her. This glorious woman has so much power and strength from her days in the fitness world, but also an inner strength from having overcome her body image and eating disorders that came from being in that same world. Both Chrissy and I were invited to do an interview style sit down with Sue, and I had the pleasure of sitting in on Chrissy’s convo and when I tell you - the knowledge that oozed out of her was like gold nuggets everywhere! Chrissy’s work focuses on helping folks overcome binge and emotional eating and to reclaim their relationship to food - this is definitely one area that I find I still struggle with from time to time - using food as a way to feel “full” when other areas of my life might feel empty.
Once we were all done with work, it was time to PLAAAAAAY! I had brought one of the magenta robes I made and Sue gathered a ton of vibrant chiffon fabrics from her studio and we created this gorgeous outdoor set complete with Oliphant backdrop - a photographer’s dream. I wanted to capture this emanating power and self esteem while also helping Chrissy love on herself through the power of laughter, movement, and touch. In the following images, you are also going to see some beautiful behind the scenes images taken by Sue Bryce and edited by myself - it’s not often I get photos of myself in action, so I was incredibly happy to get these!