The Curious Creative Blog
Perfectly Natural Session: Summer
The Perfectly Natural Sessions are back, Baby! I am back to taking clients and to kick it off, we have Summer in all of her majestic glory!
In Part II Lauren channels more of her masculine vibes and pretends to hit on the viewer at the local saloon.
There’s Something Missing From Online Content
As an avid learner + teacher, I’ve come to notice a huge thing missing from the online education space…so I’m setting out to change it!
European Adventures: Castello Ceconi
European Adventures: Castello Ceconi - a recap of the Graphistudio Workshop with Sue Bryce, Kara Marie, & myself
Reasons Why Everyone Should Do Self Portraits
In today’s post I break down a few reasons why you should do Self Portraits!
Creating Art With Jade
Back in 2021, Jade came to the studio to help me fulfill my artist/loft dreams.
Chrissy In Arizona
Sue Bryce introduced me to Chrissy first on instagram and then in person in Arizona and I knew immediately that I would loooove to photograph her! Thankfully she said yes, and I got to do quick session in our makeshift outdoor set and make magic in the Arizona heat!
Cottage Core Vibe With Micah
On a rainy day in August, Micah and I embarked on creating a one person tea party in the park near my house. Featuring an iconic Selkie puff dress, Micah made some friends with the local wildlife and slayed this session.
When Marcella applied for my Dig Deep model call last year we were excited to explore Empowerment 2.0 - as a past client, she had already had the traditional boudoir experience, so it was a great opportunity for her to explore the next level and see herself as the stunning, lovely human she is.
Sam In Flowers
I am in love with all things pastel, floral, and princessy these days, so I convinced my lovely client Sam to join me outside for a fun filled afternoon at Assiniboine Forest!
Jordyn Outdoors
I have been waiting to get my backdrops outside, but every time I tried the prairie winds would get in the way! Well, with the help of some friends and a glorious sunny day, we were able to create some magic outdoors!
You Can’t Make People Love Themselves
So, you help people fall in love with themselves, eh? Here’s why that might be harmful to you and your clients.
Sky High & Red Hats: Photo Essay
Yesterday Attieh and I headed up to the top of the parkade at the Forks to create some magic inspired by a red hat and old Marlboro ads.
Kylie & Mr. Bowin
Post Partum shoots can be a really important part of the healing process for humans as they navigate life with their new little being. Our society is so fixated on birth being a celebratory experience that moms aren’t given the space to explore less than desireable aspects of the experience and all of the complicated emotions that come along AFTER baby is born. Kylie wanted to do a “9 Months Out” session and while it was beautiful to capture the bonding with her and Bowen, I think she also appreciated the opportunity to talk about her experience with motherhood.