Welcome to YEEHAW: PART II (if you missed Part I check it out here) - A day after our first adventure, we went on an adventure - literally following the sun we saw reflecting off the mountains south of Palm Springs - driving on random roads, pulling into small pullouts and trudging around to try to get some of that sweet hard light. But the sun was playing games, because we had it for about 5 minutes, before she dipped below the mountain, lighting up the mountains BEHIND us and toying with our emotions. Being the true professionals that we are we made it work for another 30 minute session where Lauren dolled up in her vintage western shirt and took on more of her masc personality - playing up the grittiness, texture, and intensity of a rugged cowboy who’s seen some things. I’ll have one more post in this series to throw it back to our very first Lady Western shoot that inspired our mutual tattoo - but for now, scroll the images below and immerse yourself in the ruggedness of the dirt road and imagine yourself being wooed by Lauren at the local saloon.