This is where it all began…my first trip to Perth, Australia. My first time meeting Lauren. My first time doing a Universe Decides in Australia! We ended up zipping around and found ourselves at an outdoor park and more commercial area. I saw a cowboy hat and boots at Lauren’s studio and told her to bring them along and we would see what we could create - VOILA! LADY WESTERN! Lauren had been in a bit of a shooting rut, so doing something like this brought the fun back into the creation process and she was so obsessed she bought a deck of Universe Decides cards for her studio to make her team go on adventures to build their portfolios LOL! Despite us only knowing each other in real life for 5 days up until this point, we meshed so well together the creativity was just flowing. After our shoot, we obsessed over our mutual love of Lady Western and voila! Our tattoos were born! YEEHAW with 2 stars representing us!
But without further adieu, here’s THE ORIGIN STORY of YEEHAW! LADY WESTERN.