Everyone Can Dance

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Ms. C came in to help me with a model call I was doing. I told her that it was going to be different than my boudoir sessions, but hopefully just as fun and empowering. One of the things that has helped me appreciate my body and myself has been dance and not letting the idea “I’m not a dancer” get in the way of that. One thing I teach in my writer’s workshops is “If you are doing the thing, then you are that thing.” For example, if you are putting words on a page you are a writer. If you are clicking the shutter, you are a photographer. And if you are moving your body to music (either internal or external music), you are a dancer. It can be incredibly difficult for people to shed the rules, the how tos, the should haves, and the “NOT LIKE THAT”s, but the more we realize that those are just bullshit boxes created by bullshit people, the sooner we can start to live a life that brings us joy, freedom, and creativity. Perhaps it’s because I’ve always been a bit of a rebel, but I think it’s important to challenge the status quo to some extent at least to the point where you can step back and say “WHY is it this way?” “What about this do I like?” “Do I WANT to keep doing it this way?” and explore the answers to find your inner knowing.

By giving the middle finger to certain identities we’ve adopted in order to keep ourselves safe (Not-a-dancer, not-a-writer, not-a-creative, not-the-smart-one) we are able to tap into a world of possibility. If I CAN dance and I thought I wasn’t a dancer, what about all those other things I didn’t think I was???? Possibility abounds!


Time to Retreat


Chrissy In Arizona