The Curious Creative Blog
You Might Be Trying To Fix The Wrong Thing
Sometimes we are looking to the wrong thing to fix our problems.
Who Do You Want To Be?
Who ARE you - not who do you want to BE or who WERE you - it’s who ARE you that I want to help you explore!
Get rid of this word from your vocabulary.
This one word has the potential to keep you stuck and disempowered. It’s time to get rid of it.
If I didn’t know the world was so big, would I still feel so small?
Why we feel lonely more now than ever
I don’t promise to change your life.
As much as I wish I could change your life for you, it is not my life to change.
You Should See Yourself In A Thousand Different Ways
Why you should have your photo taken 1000 different ways.
Your Body Is Just A Tangible Asset
Our body is just a series of shapes that our brain assigns meaning to. This means that in order to change your body image, you need to change your brain - NOT your body. I break this down in today’s blog post.
Daily Practice
A daily practice is something I learned from my Granny and it’s something I think most people could benefit from.
Maybe You Aren’t Failing
Failure isn’t real. A little inspiration to dig your heels in - you got this.