Daily Practice


I can recall walking out of the bedroom at my Granny’s house every morning for the week I would be spending with her and seeing the warm sunlight pouring in through the kitchen windows. I can picture her, clear as day, sitting at the head of her small wooden table. The sun rays lighting up the pouf of grey curls that topped her head, a cup of tea with a splash of milk, the newspaper open to the crossword puzzle, and 2 slices of toast with butter and homemade jam.

And it was as dependable as she was.

I never asked her why she did the same thing every morning, but I can probably guess. It might have had to do with the fact that she would have to put up with my ornery grandpa for the remainder of the day or take care of her grandchildren who loved to exclaim “I’m boooooooored!” as soon as Reading Rainbow was over.

The morning belonged to her and she belonged to the morning.

This was her daily practice.

As an adult in an ever increasingly fast paced world where people want your attention as soon as you wake up, I am coming to realize the importance of having my own practice - time that is just for me so that I can get my thoughts straight, I can sort out my mind and not let any toxic feelings pour into my day, and give myself a sustainable starting point for my day.

Whether it’s taking a walk, having breakfast at the same time, or writing in your journal - a daily practice can provide you with grounding, stability, and the feeling of accomplishment.

It’s not showing up and being 100% perfect every time.

It’s showing up.

Find one thing that you can commit to doing daily that is just. for. you.

This can be hard, but no one is going to do it for you.

Regardless of how the rest of my day goes, I know that if I go for my morning walk (regardless of how long I walk for) I am showing up for myself.

I am telling myself:

For you, it might be painting once a day. It might look like reading 3 pages of anything. Perhaps it’s dancing as the sun rises, embroidering as the sunsets, creating an elaborate coffee making process, or simply sitting with yourself at the table doing Sudoku.

Whatever you choose to do, whenever you choose to do it, just make sure to choose YOU every day.


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