The Curious Creative Blog


mindset, positive psychology, self love Teri Hofford mindset, positive psychology, self love Teri Hofford

Conversations With My Higher Self: Insecurity

Having conversations with my higher self allows me to work through some of the hard feelings that certain situations or people bring about. I figured that by sharing my thought process with you, it might help you develop your own conversational practice with your higher self! Plus, this also lets you know that the thoughts and feelings you have are completely normal and while they don’t necessarily “go away” we can manage them!

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Let Boys Be Feminine

(if they want to)
Clothing has no gender and textures can help you find out who you are! In this session, I photographed Brian in a few glorious gowns and skirts to show that all bodies can wear whatever they want and everyone deserves to safely explore different ways of showing up! At our Winnipeg studio, this is a MUST - safety, security and comfort are all the name of the game so you can show up as your best self -whatever that looks like to you!

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