Mindset Tools for Creatives - Part 4: Affirmations


As an empowerment photographer & mindset coach, it is integral to keep my own mindset in check so I can show up and do the work for my clients. Over the next few days I am going to be sharing with you my favorite tools that I use to keep on track, focused, and in a relatively positive (or at least resilient) mindset.

Tool 4: Affirmations

Affirmations are similar to Intentions, but slightly different. Where intention is hyping yourself to be a certain way or feel a specific feeling, affirmations are speaking TRUTH to what you want. Now, with affirmations there has to be a semblance of belief for these to work or else it’s just fluff, so it is imperative that you have, at the very least, a tiny morsel of hope for the things you desire. Affirmations can for things you desire, wish to be become - really…anything you want to be true. Affirmations are designed to keep you focused on living a life and making decisions from a mindset that is different than the mindset you currently have - because, let’s face it, if you had the mindset you needed to get the things you wanted, you’d probably already have them.

By writing them out, you are much more likely to remember them than if you typed them, however, any method to remind you of your goals, desires, and dreams is better than none! Here are a few different ways you can utilize affirmations to help you foster a more resilient, powerful mindset as a creative:

  1. Get Creative!

Personally, I like to write my intentions and my affirmations together in my art journal a few times a day or whenever I think about it. I will usually do some painting to process my thoughts and then come back when its dry to put my affirmations and intentions on top. I do this daily. You can paint, write, collage, or simply jot it down in a bullet journal in a list - the important thing is that you will be showing up to do the work.


2. Use an app (or your recording app) to record yourself saying your affirmations & listen to them daily.

The thinkup app is my recommended app to use!
This is a great way to hear YOU talking to you (as opposed to someone else)

3. Write your affirmations on sticky notes and put them in places you generally frequent

Mine are on the cupboards over my coffee maker/by the fridge and on my bedroom mirror as well.

4. Run through your affirmations first thing in the morning and last thing at night.

By listening to or saying your affirmations (out loud or in your head) during these times, your subconscious is primer and ready to take your messages and really believe them. I mean, if you forget and have to do them later on in the day that’s still better than nothing, BUT you might as well take advantage of your subconscious’ spongey behaviour when you can!

5. Speak them out loud and often using phrases like “I AM” instead of “I WANT”

Shifting that one word will make all the difference in the world. The subconscious believes what it hears.
So, if you say “I want…” your subconscious says
“Okay, cool, we just out here wanting things….awesome…I can do that. I’ve BEEN doing that. I’m a pro at wanting!!”
and so nothing ever changes.

If we switch it to “I AM…” your subconscious says
“Okay, we ARE - oh wait! We don’t have the thing you are saying we have so we best go get it….I will alert you to every opportunity that will get you to becoming that/getting that/etc.”
and EVERYTHING starts to change. Your mind will literally conspire to get you to where you want - whether it is by making you more conscious of opportunities to get you there, stopping you from falling into your standard thinking traps, etc. Your mind will literally conspire to help you get your goals as efficiently as possible. You just have to put in the effort to help it become aware!

Here are some of my favorite affirmations for creatives:


Come back tomorrow when I share Tool #5!


Mindset Tools for Creatives - Part 5: Questions


Mindset Tools for Creatives - Part 3: ABCs