Dancing With The Darkness


If you see me,
you probably believe
that the sun beams
from my being.
I have become very good at leading
in the dance with the darkness.
Most of the time.
But sometimes
despite the smile
despite the sunshine
there is darkness that grazes the edges
of my thoughts and dreams.
I don’t think this is abnormal
or odd
or unique
I think this is human.

Sometimes that darkness
entangles me before I fall asleep
and sometimes
it waits to seduce me
when I awake.
But most of the time
I am able to take its hand
and guide it
by bending
and moving gracefully
into the morning light,
The brightness
and beauty of prospect
causing the darkness to retreat
until another time.

In the dance with the darkness,
I spin,
and twirl,
keeping the darkness
from settling in.

But sometimes,
sometimes, the darkness
is heavier than I can hold
and my feet become tired
my body, sore.
so I let it lead
but only temporarily.

As long as I continue to dance
I continue to communicate
My body ebbing and flowing
as the darkness does
and the darkness ebbing and flowing
as my mind does.

Like a relationship that develops
between dance partners over time
I can learn to predict the darkness’ next move
and respond in kind.
in control
even if that means
letting the darkness lead
from time to time.


Black Out Poetry

