The Curious Creative Blog
The Perfectly Natural Revolution - Daxton
The Perfectly Natural Revolution featuring Daxton!
The Perfectly Natural Revolution - Regan
The Perfectly Natural Revolution continues with Regan.
Affluent Influencers
Are you influenced by affluence or are you an affluent influencer? In today’s post we are chatting about what those words mean in regards to running your creative business!
5 Ways To Reduce Your Stress
Stress is a creative entrepreneur’s best friend - but it can also be our worst enemy. In this post I am sharing 5 techniques that I use to help reduce my stress daily.
Fab Fatties
Fab Fatties is the name we’ve assigned to the glorious duo of Sabrina & Keira as they rocked these Selkie dresses during a collaborative session in Melbourne, Florida!
Karianne In Arizona
On my last day in Arizona, Sue Bryce arranged for me to photograph some glorious humans that she knew and the first one up is Ms. Karianne, a photographer from Arizona! We had an amazing time in the hot Arizona sun - I could shoot in this light all day ‘erryday.
Sam In Flowers
I am in love with all things pastel, floral, and princessy these days, so I convinced my lovely client Sam to join me outside for a fun filled afternoon at Assiniboine Forest!
Jordyn Outdoors
I have been waiting to get my backdrops outside, but every time I tried the prairie winds would get in the way! Well, with the help of some friends and a glorious sunny day, we were able to create some magic outdoors!
This Fairytale Is The One Where She Falls In Love With Herself
I asked Micah if she wanted to be a princess for a few hours. We put her in one my Mr. Pretty dresses and headed over to the Trappist Monastery Ruins in St. Norbert to frolick. We had some epic clouds and beautiful wind as we created this gorgeous fairytale.
She is Mine and I am Hers.
The relationship between sisters is like no other. When Ryon and Regan come to play, we know it’s always going to be fire!