Mindset Tools for Creatives - Part 6: Movement


As an empowerment photographer & mindset coach, it is integral to keep my own mindset in check so I can show up and do the work for my clients. Over the next few days I am going to be sharing with you my favorite tools that I use to keep on track, focused, and in a relatively positive (or at least resilient) mindset.

Tool 4: Movement

In this last installment of my Mindset Tools for Creatives, I am going to be talking about movement as a source of extra vitality and energy to help you stay focused, get clear and work through your stress.
While moving your body is great for physical health, it is more the mental health aspect of movement that I want to talk about today. Here are a few benefits of how adding movement can improve your life:

  1. Stress Reduction

Moving our body physically moves stress through the body and allows us to complete our stress cycles by moving and then stopping - it is the stopping that alerts your body and brain to the knowledge that we are “safe from the threat” and it tricks our brain into thinking there is no more stress. Whether or not your stress comes from the physical activity or the ‘joys’ of being an entrepreneur, movement will allow you to move through it and release it, leaving you feeling more fulfilled. Finding an activity that you also enjoy will help make this reduction that much more sustainable.


2. Improved focus & concentration

Many creatives experience symptoms of ADD or ADHD (whether diagnosed or not) and by incorporating a daily movement regime into your schedule you are going to help improve your focus, your concentration, mood, and all of those good things that impact your mindset. For me personally, when I went to the gym for about 45 minutes, I was almost always guaranteed an additional 3-4 hours of clear, focused work afterwords. Movement boosts the brain's dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin level which all help with focus and attention.


3. More creativity

Aerobic activity has been shown to produce enhanced creativity which is obviously beneficial as a creative. By incorporating movement that gets your blood pumping into your daily routine, your brain is not only going to come up with some new creative stuff, but it’s also going to be much more efficient at processing old, outdated information. Walking has been shown to provide people with more creative solutions and outcomes to whatever things they might be pondering at the beginning of their walkabout. Lastly, when we are in a positive mindset due to the endorphins we receive post movement, it makes us that much more capable of adopting a growth mindset instead of staying stuck. The actual act of moving will tell your brain that it is moving - no more stuck.


So, how does one incorporate movement into their life?

The first thing you have to understand is that you are WORTH it. Many creatives put their work and business before themselves, not understanding that without them, their business can’t exist.

Choosing daily movement for yourself IS giving back to your customers.
It IS serving your clients.
It IS helping you create amazing experiences for your clients.

The next thing I would recommend is finding a time that you can consistently do your movement - for me, I do it first thing in the morning that lets my brain know that I am choosing ME first because I am valuable and worthy of spending time with.

Then, you get to find different methods of movement that suit you. Don’t move your body out of punishment - instead opt for joyful movement - movement that makes you feel good while doing it and afterwards (otherwise it’s not sustainable). Remember that ANY movement is better than 0 movement, so even if you are just vibing in your desk chair or standing up and shifting your hips or stretching your back, your body and mind will thank you!

Below are a few of my favorite methods of “prescribed” movement to help me get or stay focused when I am working on projects!


I promise, if you start implementing even a fraction of the 6 Mindset Tools for Creatives, you will see definite improvements in your personal life AND business.


Your Desires Aren’t A Bowl of Instant Noodles


Mindset Tools for Creatives - Part 5: Questions