Yes, License Plates Do Have Vowels


Today Jill and I were having a conversation at work. She turned to me and said:

“Isn’t it weird how license plates never have vowels?”

I blinked hard, not really sure if I heard her correctly.

What?” I asked, with a bit of laughter.

“Isn’t it weird how license plates never have vowels?” she repeated.

I stared at her incredulously:
“What are you talking about? Of course license plates have vowels! Why would you think that?”

“Well, every license plate I had only ever had consonants….so I just assumed that every license plate was the same.”

I told her that MY license plate has a vowel in it.
Afterwards we both dissolved into a fit of laughter, but I realized that this is the mindset of a lot of people.
Just because it is one way for them,
and always has been that way,
they assume that it is the standard.
The norm.
The way for everyone.

But it isn’t.

And sometimes, someone will come along and show you that what you thought to be true wasn’t true after all, but rather, it was simply your limited perspective.
(Now, all y’all are going to be looking for vowels on license plates!)


Body Talk

