The way we talk to ourselves informs our beliefs and if we just repeat the things that we heard when we were younger, we aren’t using our power to have the mindset we desire. I made this little project to help with self talk and maybe it will help you too!
1. Dig through your archives and find some photos of younger you - don’t forget about your teen/young adult self. They need just as much love as toddler/child- you!
2. Tape your photos to the mirror where you spend the most time: you bathroom, bedroom, etc.
3. Pay attention to the thoughts you have when you look at yourself and consider:
"Would I say this to that 2 yr old? That 7 yr old? That 13 yr old? That 17 year old? That 20 yr old? That 28 yr old? That 33 yr old?"
"If I heard a 2, 7, 13, 17, 20, 28, or 33 year old say/think/feel these things - how would I support them?"
4. Move them around from time to time because your brain will adapt to them being there!