The Curious Creative Blog
You Should See Yourself In A Thousand Different Ways
Why you should have your photo taken 1000 different ways.
Your Body Is Just A Tangible Asset
Our body is just a series of shapes that our brain assigns meaning to. This means that in order to change your body image, you need to change your brain - NOT your body. I break this down in today’s blog post.
The BIG Elephant In The Photography Studio
On the blog today I am chatting about FAT - the fear of FAT, being FAT, and photographing FAT!
As photographers we are trained to photograph in a very binary way - this can make it feel like we are forcing our clients into a very specific box - one that may not feel comfortable to them. In this session, we broke the box because power is not reserved only for men.
Being Human With Micah
I found this beautiful poem on tiktok and had to share it along with some glorious images I captured of ms. Micah living her best life out in the Whiteshell area of Manitoba!