Body Image Bootcamp 2021

Another year and another group of Body Image Bootcamp facilitators! This year, we had 2 new groups join us since 2020 was postponed but for this post I want to focus on our first amazing group! This group of 7 provided so many laughs, tears, and stories - despite everyone coming from different backgrounds, states, and even countries these glorious humans quickly broke down their walls of nervousness and learned to trust and exist in harmony with each other. One of my main goals of Body Image Bootcamp is to ensure everyone feels included, accepted, and has the freedom to be the best version of themselves - and on the last night, everyone exclaimed that one of their favorite parts was the freedom to be accepted for who they were. In addition to that, they loved the connection they made with their fellow members! So, keep an eye out for these beauties because they will be bringing the good word of Body Image Bootcamp to their communities to help shift minds and further empower people! Check out the images below, and then feel free to follow all of these amazing humans with their links at the bottom!


Digital Detox at the Lazy Days Lodge


30 min | South East | 3pm | Romantic | Choice