Purposeful Wisdom & Experience

“What you have experienced, no power on Earth can take from you.” - Viktor Frankl

One of the things that sets us apart from others is our ability to take our Life Experiences (and the Wisdom gleaned from such) and use it to benefit the lives of others. While I would never wish hardship upon, it is impossible to find anyone on this planet that has not experienced it in some capacity. Viktor Frankl, concentration camp survivor and psychotherapist, believed that a person could survive hardships and traumas more easily if they could make it mean something - use it to benefit/help others.

When my Dad died, it was probably the hardest thing I’ve ever witnessed or gone through at that point in my life, and right after my Mom asked each of us kids “How are you going to honor your Dad’s legacy?” While we processed our grief, we also found a way to channel it to help others - I published a children’s book with my best friend Stephanie with proceeds going to the Pancreatic Cancer Foundation of Canada, my brother took over our family farm and continues to farm it in a way that would make my Dad proud, and my sister moved to Ottawa where she excelled in the federal government in the same department that my Dad had. Focusing on helping others, helped us move through our trauma - it didn’t make it less painful, less sorrowful, less horrible - but it made it bearable and allowed us to continue moving forward.

Each of us comes to the table with our own Experience and Wisdom - some earned through trauma, but also through Passion. Maybe you studied and got a certification in something. Perhaps you were a professional competitive dancer in a past life. Maybe you were an escort. Maybe you solo traveled as a fat person through the world and have stories to tell. Whatever your “thing” is - you can use it to help you find your Purpose and use it as a beam to speak to others who are looking for guidance in those experiences.

Many times we think our past experiences are our kryptonite or something that we need to be ashamed of. Phrases like “Oh God, if they ever found out…” or “I can’t let them know that…” stops us from pursuing our true Purpose. We think we will be abandoned and lose those we care about if they REALLY knew who we were - but honestly, there are people waiting for you on the other side of your truth. Your experience, whether or not you want it to be, is PART of you and no amount of hiding it is going to make your life easier. It’s better to bring those truths into the light and make friends with them.

Homework: Write down 1-3 major life experiences and the wisdom you gained from them.

Your Experience & Wisdom is the very thing that will help people find and connect with you - helping them feel less alone in what they are going through - and if you can focus on making it have meaning, it will lead you closer to your Purpose.

Bra & Panties by @shoparq // bodychain by @tailoredbodyjewelry


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