Finding Myself in The Stars

While I always teetered on the edge of spirituality and new age-isms, my relationship with astrology was mostly dedicated to the back of the one page small town newsletters at The Pizza Place where I’d look and see what Libra meant for the month. As I’ve delved further into the Human Design world and connecting with my intuition on a deeper level, I have started to gain a more intense relationship to astrology and the wonderful magic of the world.

This post isn’t going to be about the specifics of my birth chart and astrological signs, but moreso a focus on finding yourself wherever you need to find yourself in order to feel safe, protected, and led. For many, they may turn to a God, religion or various other deity - for me, I am moving further to intuition and what I believe to be my divinity based on something as simple as when and where I was born.

In the present with myself I have A LOT of unanswered questions about where I am going, what I am doing, and where I am best utilized and because of this, leaning into my spirituality gives me something to hang my proverbial hat on:

Something bigger than myself

And maybe in like, 10 years, I will look back at this post and be like “what a silly kid I was - to rely so heavily on the alignment of stars and planets” but in 10 years I might also have an incredibly deeper, richer relationship to myself because I trusted myself and what I believe to be my higher calling especially when it didn’t make sense. I’ve always looked for signs and omens and evidence that where I am going is where I am meant to go.

There was Teri Beads store on Main Street reminding me that if a BEAD store could exist on MAIN STREET, then certainly I could find a way to come up with the funds to have a studio off of Main street.

When I first arrived in Busan, South Korea the popular restaurant franchise Lotteria had my name TERI in big shiny, silver letters across their walls (because they had the TERI BURGER) and it reassured me that I was where I was meant to be.

Reading Rachel Rodgers book We Should All Be Millionaires, there is a segment that says “Teri is a millionaire” (this affirms that it is possible for me).

and these are just a few off of the top of my head.

My body and brain do this cool thing, where my body keeps putting in the work and doing the tasks that don't make sense while my brain fights the process along the way - trying to encourage my body to stop the work, go back to what I was doing before and for some reason, my body literally REFUSES to move from its set trajectory - you would think by now that this feeling would make it easier to just keep moving forward - but no, I am still always surprised and equally frustrated.

But all of these things:

Star charts
Omens and signs
My body and brain connection

All hold the same things for me:

Something bigger than myself

I am reminded daily that I am not on this planet for me. I am here to do a job and the way in which I am currently to do this job is to just talk, write, share, create, repeat. I am to do it with or without accolades or applause or awards. And I just watched Tabitha Brown in an amazing interview where she talks about how God asked her to do the work even though it didn’t make sense and she just kept being obedient to the task. This resonated with me. I am in that space right now: doing what I am being called to do, despite it making 0 sense to my conscious self. Meanwhile, my subconscious/higher/better self knows something is a brewin’ - it’s just asking me to have:

and believe in something bigger than myself.

So, I will continue to search for myself in the Stars, in my books, in my Human Design, in my Strengths, in my tarot cards, in my oracle cards but most importantly, within my intuition - knowing that her GPS is top notch and when I think about where I am going (even though I have no clue) my body physically expands and when I think about doing what I used to do, my body now contracts. The other day in a coaching, I told someone “In my experience if you say YES to something out of fear, you are going to have a lot less fulfillment and success than if you say YES out of love.” and in that moment I heard myself talking to myself.

Right now, I am saying YES to myself out of LOVE and trusting the process. Digging deep into:

My Faith
My Trust
and My belief that something bigger than myself is currently at work, guiding me towards the next impact I am meant to have.


The Guilt of Fun & Ease


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