February on Film

I had 5 rolls of film developed (a mix of Konica, Japan Camera Hunter Street Pan, Amber, Kodak Gold) this month and had a few surprises waiting for me - images I had forgotten I had taken and experiences that I had already mentally moved on from. I am so pleased to see how my Canon SLR camera works in low light (most of the self portraits were taken in my basement) and I love the way flash creates that epic 90s vibe! As I keep moving forward in the realm of coaching, teaching, writing, etc. I think my preferred camera is going to end up being my various film cameras - the magic is unreal. I also can’t wait for it to be nicer out, so I can start doing some street photography and wandering about. It’s just too damn cold and my batteries die faster when it’s this cold out - so I have to be patient (sigh). In the meantime, enjoy this month’s beauties!


Graphistudio Workshop in Italy 2022


Cash Stuffing