Dear, Creative


Dear Creative,
Please make sure you remember to make time for yourself.
Please remember that the dishes can wait
And don’t bother doing the laundry because, if you are anything like me,
you will just have new stains and messes to put in AFTER you’ve chosen yourself.
Please make sure you take time out,
write out your thoughts,
paint your emotions,
and gather with other Creatives.

Dear Creative,
Please make sure you are choosing you
first thing in the morning,
before the needs of others
pile up
like the stack of books on your nightstand.
It might mean
saying a little prayer,
doing needlepoint in the morning sun,
drinking coffee and taking in the morning dew,
or simply going for a walk.
It doesn’t matter what it looks like,
It matters that the intention is that
you are choosing you
before everyone else.

Dear Creative,
Please make a little spot in your home
That is just for you.
Designed to inspire, evoke emotion,
and encourage you to keep pursuing.
When you feel your creativity waning
Just sit in this spot.
Even if it is just a comfy pillow in the sun
with a tiny baby plant to keep you

Dear Creative,
Please invest in your tools,
Your conferences,
Your education,
Your inspiration,
Your joy.
Please remember you are worth the same
amount as your partner,
your children,
and your pets.

Dear Creative,
Please buy the coffee table books,
Please go to the museum,
Please watch the design shows that
make other people yawn.
If you are to output creation,
You need to input inspiration.

Dear Creative,
Please don’t forget about yourself.




Kylie & Mr. Bowin