Making Love

Making Love is…
When he fills up my coffee water despite him not drinking coffee
Not asking questions when I ask him to 3D print cat sunglasses and a suitcase for an alpaca toy
Being my tech support even when there is tech support available
Staying on the phone to change my flights/deal with travel arrangements for a trip he isn’t even going on
Always making sure the car is charged/gas is full/car is clean before I leave on a trip
Rubbing my back and playing with my hair for 2 hours while I drool on his lap
Smiling along with me when I show him a recent creation/craft/hobby that I’ve started and will discard in a month
Not judging me as I make big changes in my career choice and desires
Daily walks with hand holding and teasing
Being together in the house, but not have to be BETOGETHER in the house
Pushing each other to defy the odds and try the things
Giving each other the independence to enjoy what we individually enjoy and then come together in the evening to share stories of our days
Ending senseless arguments with a pair of penis glasses I got at my bachelorette party
Starting arguments about whether pickles are the best or worst food
Tapping bums and bumping bellies
Saying ”I’m sorry I said that - I’m just having a hard day”
Helping me build a life and business I could only dream of
Buying me brownies when he goes to the store
Calling himself the mailman because I have so many parcels delivered while I am aay
Dreaming of the future together, including looking on the real estate websites for dream properties
Staying up until 3am to watch videos that he thought were hilarious from his younger days
Laughing until our tums ache
Jumping out from behind the closet door to scare him so bad he jumps across the room
Letting me cry while he rubs my eyebrows
Is the daily things that let me know he loves me.

Teri Hofford

Body image educator, photographer & author who helps individuals challenge their body image biases & beliefs so they can move closer to self & body acceptance.

Slowly, Coming Home To Myself


Sunday Phone Drop 8.26