I'm from
water as hard
As the backs of the men & women in the fields
I'm from
fall suppers
Church potlucks
Curling bonspiels
And lion's club socials
I'm from
12 students to a classroom
Experience as my teacher
Harvest time as exam season
I'm from
frozen river walks
Pussy willows in the spring
Summer time Creek swimming
Pea shelling & corn husking
I'm from
Kids playing outside from sun up to sundown
Pink cheeked
Tan skin
Calloused hands
Wild imaginations
Scratched bikes
And long stretches of road
I'm from
A few stoplights
But when they turn green
You don't look back
I'm from
Stationary store
Post office
Chinese food restaurant
One room theatre
H&R block
Skating rink
Curling rink
Swimming pool
I'm from
Limitations set by those who stay
Judgement and gossip through the week
But on Sunday we pray
I'm from
I'm from
A mom with dirt under her fingernails
Always with a plan
A strategy
And a home cooked meal
I'm from
A dad with a dimple in his chin
Insecurities in his heart
A beer in his hand
And steady support for his kids
I'm from
Aunt's & uncles and grandparents and neighbors
I'm from
Pickup games on Thursday nights
Pickup bales on Friday afternoon
Pickup trucks on Saturday nights
Pickup trash on Sundays
I'm from
The people that leave never come back
The people that never left never leave
I'm from
Big skies
Big lakes
Big bears
Big trucks
Big tractors
Big dreams
I'm from
Little town
Little steeple
Little streets
Little lies
Little rent
I'm from
Windows rolled down
Driving at 10 years old
Wind blown hair
Back of truck bouncing
Dust trails
Cool nights
Galaxies and
Northern lights
I'm from
Snow days
Frozen river ice rinks
Frostbitten ears
Tongues stuck to the culvert on a dare
I'm from
Fishing with a stick and string and a hot dog
Catching frogs
Wishing on stars
Raising pigs
Tending to mama cows at midnight
Only to bury frozen calves at noon
And life
And life
And death