Mexico City Botanical Garden
When Beth and I started our Body Image Bootcamp trip in Mexico City, I ended up connecting with a photographer from Mexico City named Tere. She mentioned in an instagram message that one day she’d like to meet me, so when I said I was in her city I mentioned we should meet up for a little photo shootout at the local Botanical Garden. While Tere didn’t speak much English and I didn’t speak much Spanish, Beth thankfully is fluent in Spanish and was able to help us connect! First of all, these botanical gardens were beautiful - did you know that cacti can grow with grass and tropical plants? Incredible! Also, thankfully, it wasn’t too hot because we ended up going in the wrong direction - not once- but TWICE - and had to turn around and walk back! But getting lost is always more fun with friends.
I love getting to meet fellow creatives when I travel, so if you ever notice I am coming to your city/country whatevs, please reach out to me and we can try to hang out! I will be in LA and hosting a mini meetup for models/photographers at a sweet studio on Dec 3 - it’s donation based to help cover the cost of the studio, but overall just a ton of fun! I will also be heading to Perth, Australia from January 19-24 and planning a meetup with Crooked Images for fellow empowerment focused photographers, so if that’s you, please oh please come play with us! Sign up for the newsletter here.
Without further adieu, here are some of the incredible images that came out of our fun time together!