Body Image Bootcamp: Luna 2022

Last October, I had the pleasure of hosting TWO weeks of Body Image Bootcamp and our second week crew, dubbed Luna, brought so much love, light, and emotion to the space. These humans helped each other, made space for each other and encouraged each other to work through their body image and self love. Prior to this week, Beth and I were certain we had this retreat thing on lock - so imagine our surprise when we were hit with: a hurricane, an earthquake, and Covid in the same week. Every year I learn something new and this year, it was that regardless of how much I try, there are just some things I cannot control that might impact the experience of our attendees - all we can do is have contingency plans and take action as soon as possible. Thankfully, solving problems is Beth’s forte and we came through the week closer, more bonded, and with better expectations of ourselves around what we can and can’t control. As for the attendees, they handled the news of all 3 things with grace and understanding and we still managed to have a life changing experience not to be overshadowed by “acts of God.”

Here were some of my favorite highlights:

*Chatting with Katie about her business and incredible mission
*Having Sarah (a BIBC OG) there to video and photograph us (and when we did compliments to her - she cried!)
*Watching Nicole do her self portraits (and not fear jumping in the pool with her Selkie dress!)
*Witnessing the photographers of the group turn Cherona & Pamela into models
*Watching Amy perform Flashdance in the fountain during an epic rainstorm
*Watching Britt face a lot of her inner stories and overcoming them to be photographed in the buff in the jungle
*How Nikki let me almost drown her while letting me photograph her underwater

Here are some images from our time together last October:


It’s Been a Year


The Future of Your Dreams