25 min West * Lace * Natural Light * 3pm *Romantic
Now that the weather is warmer, I am setting out on spontaneous adventures with humans to get some of that sweet Vit D and creativity flowing through my veins! If you have no idea what I am talking about, The Universe Decides is a deck of cards that I created to help humans tap in their creative, let go of expectations, and work within specific constraints! You can learn more about them here.
Jill and I caught up once the restrictions lifted and headed 25 minutes West to shoot at 3pm with Lace for the wardrobe, Natural light for lighting, and Romance as the mood. This adventure found us at a little forest behind a church. There was a perfect little walking path, a little stick hut, a pond, and a hill overlooking the river. The following day there was a fire near that location, so it’s good that we went when we did. I had no idea this church or perfect little forest was even a thing before this adventure, so now, it’s just another spot to add to the list!
Here are the images we captured during our adventure.
(Oh! And if you like Jill’s purple robe, it is made from a thrifted bed covering, made with the “shitty but photographable robe technique” featured in the everyBODIES education all access pass!! )