Growth Isn’t Linear
and Turns
and Ups
and Downs
Sometimes we go high
but then we come down
and it sometimes seems
like we go
and Round
We shouldn’t have expectations
that growth is a straight line
That goes from Point A
to Point B
and have it all be fine
It’s more like
Point A
Point F
Point X
Point S
and in a twisting, turning,
spiraling, rolling,
roundabout way
we find ourselves
at Point B
where we sit up and say
”I think I’m okay”
But then,
after a little bit,
we start again
and we find ourselves
stretching and reaching
feeling and reeling
when we start to spin.
But this time
we are a little bit different
with a little more resilience
and a little more strength
because while growth may not
be linear
it always ensures you go
a new length.