Grand Canyon
Back in March I got to knock one of my destinations off my list - The Grand Canyon. Despite having visited Vegas almost every year since 2015, I had not taken the day trip out to see the miraculous wonder that is the Grand Canyon, so this year I told my buddy Aroha that we were gonna do it. I hired a car and we took off for the desert. The wind was absolutely treacherous and it would be that same day that our colleagues would be flying in and experience some of the worst turbulance ever. I thank my lucky stars we came in a day earlier! Anyhow, taking in the Grand Canyon was absolutely beautiful and despite ending the day feeling like I had an epic face peel due to the blowing sand, we got some really beautiful images.
Also, if you want to join Aroha & I on the road this summer, we are taking off across Canada on The Homecoming Tour with stop in 13 major cities! We’d love to see you there! Click here to see where we are going and to snag some tickets!